I always been fascinated with how unique architecture can look amazing from any viewpoint, especially from where they are to be natively seen, underneath. That's why I came up with the concept for this photography collection - From Below.
Program - Figma
Images- Original + Pexels
Background -@detroitbacksweaty
Font - Media Sans
Created: July 2024
I feel like when it comes to holiday accommodations, there are two companies that have a monopoly on the industry. I thought it would be interesting to come up with a competitive fictional business that focused on home-swapping rather than renting. With this little project, it was not only important to have functional UI but also to introduce smooth, unique transitions between each home. I also had fun designing an auto-carousel animation that transitioned naturally when interacting with the view button.
Program - Figma
Images - Pexels
Font - Montserrat
Created: September 2024
During the beginning of the AI photography mania, I too was interested in what programs like Midjourney were offering. I decided to incorporate some images into a portfolio slider I was working on. This was a fun project managing all the micro-animations between each slide include the the image size, text reveal and font colours.
Program - Figma
Images - Midjourney
Font - Avenir Next
Created: January 2024
In the summer of 2024, I was researching eccomerce websites in order to better understand buyer psychology. I discovered that whilst their designs were clean, they were quite homogeneous in their approach to sticking with a reliable formula. I decided to play around with this concept and create a unique product slider for a fictional climbing shoe company - Apex Apparel.
Program - Figma
Images - Midjourney
Font - Bai Jamjuree & Avenir Next
Created: July 2024